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重视外教 办国际化的幼儿园 我们一直在努力
时间:2017/10/26 访问次数:1903

秉承着宋庆龄“把最宝贵的东西给予儿童”的教育思想,遵循儿童的成长规律及个性发展的国际化理念, 按照“把我们的儿童最终培养成为心中有爱、会求知、会做事、会合作、会生存,具有东方文化底蕴和西方文化素养的国际小公民”的教育目标,宋幼人不断地努力为孩子们创设良好的教育环境,不断优化教育资源,提升师资水平。

According to Soong Chingling’s education idea of “giving the most precious to children”, following the internationalization concept of growing rules of children and their personality development, our Soong people constantly strive to create a good educational environment for children, optimize educational resources and improve the level of teacher, which is our education aim of “educating our children to develop into little international citizen with both oriental and western culture and knowledge who are able to love, to learn, to work, to cooperate and to survive.


In order to improve the quality of kindergarten English education teaching, creating the English immersion language education environment, SJRC inspector Ms.Zhao Jinou from education supervision center and human resources director Ms. Ma Yuehong from comprehensive management center went to Beijing Soong Chingling international kindergarten to discuss a series of related work on English education with Ms. Zhang Hongwei who is in charge of the foreign teachers on this Tuesday. From the optimization of foreign teachers' recruitment process and the training to teachers to foreign teachers management, and then to the English curriculum, content, teaching form and teaching method, the two sides exchanged advice, to form a more clear thinking, clear direction and working details.


We truly know that it is very important for the teaching level of foreign teachers to build up a international kindergarten. We hope that through the promotion of foreign teachers' education level, children are able to learn English in a natural language environment, to develop an international perspective, understand western culture, to promote the development of children's English language ability.


We’ve been continually making effort on how to build up a real international Soong Chingling kindergarten and to educate our children into little international citizen with oriental culture and western knowledge. 


